About Us
The Ribbon Shop is a subsidiary of Sin Hin Chuan Kee Pte Ltd. We started this business arm to specifically cater to the niche market where higher end ribbons are needed for the clients.
The Ribbon Shop started in 2010. We provide a full range of ribbons from nylon, polyester, grosgrain to wired ribbons. We provide different grades of ribbons for the different requirements of clients. Some of the ribbon materials are matte finish, some are shiny, some are translucent etc.
We specialized in customized ribbons and it can be used in all occasions such as Christmas, Chinese New year, corporate events and everyday gifts. We offer our customers with our customized gift ideas and time saving packing technique that involve ribbons, paper bag handles by using cords and ribbons.
All we need from our clients is to give us an idea of the color scheme and provide us their company logo and tagline. Our customized ribbon enhances the image of the company, thus leaving a deeper impression of the event. These ribbons also serve as a marketing tool to expand your presence to the various industries. There are no limits to what you can do with them!
The Ribbon Shop team looks forward to serving you with your uniquely ribbon needs.